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At risk facilities face a wide range of complex challenges that can cause significant damage to business. And yet, most companies are unprepared to manage a crisis.

Security Policies

We can help write your security standard operating procedures and written policies that manage the risks posed to personnel, including;   managing the risk of staff and contractors exploiting their legitimate access to an organization’s assets for unauthorized purposes.


Our training and development department can design staff/employee training that can include:

Workplace Violence

Active shooter/Bomb-threat

Security awareness

Search awareness -Terrorism

Vulnerability Assessment

Our vulnerability assessments incorporate  preventative operational security strategies to mitigate risk.

Loss Prevention

Our investigative services can help identify industry loss through employee theft or staff dishonesty. Service and retail industries can be easy targets for theft crimes due to the nature of their business.

Private Consultation

Our private consultation services incorporate the design of security systems into new construction and renovation projects. By using us  on your team, we can help you win more projects and allow you to better serve your clients.

Risk Analysis

Our investigative services will conduct a thorough investigation to help you differentiate between  perceived threats, real threats and actual threats -examining risks according to their likelihood and impact

Crisis support Risk Management Analysis
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​Los Angeles, Ca

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